Virtual Villagers 2: The Lost Children

Click links to the right for VV1, VV3, VV4 and VV5.
See below for Tips, Strategies, and Cheats for VV2.
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Puzzle #6: The Elder Totem

Requirements: None
Action: One villager needs to become a master at 3 different skills and will then be called an esteemed elder. Once this happens a totem pole will appear at the spot where he/she first became a master for the third skill. There are several different kinds of totem poles. You get another totem pole each time a villager becomes an esteemed elder and you can move the totem poles anyplace you want.
Description: "Your villagers erected a handsome totem commemorating the skills mastery of a village Elder. The Elder's wisdom and influence will be remembered for many generations."


  1. this is very hard but i will do it.

  2. It's not that hard. Just pick Farming, Building, and Research to become masters on. It's the easiest! :)

    1. nope parenting healing and research are easiest

  3. I say it's easy too. I'm almost done with one villages

  4. None of my villagers want to become mastered in three skills their bars show at the same level as the two skills they've mastered, but it still says they're adept, what cases or whatever can I use to change this?

  5. re-install virtual villagers 2 and try bro
